Of course, he stuttered a bit when he spoke in English, so I wonder if the self-talk was just his way of practicing conversational English?? Any stutterers out there willing to weigh in on this theory?
The barber shop also offers shaves and head massages. I tried the head massage--once. The guy strapped some sort of massaging, vibrating machine onto his hand and then oiled up my hair and went to town on my scalp with his rapidly buzzing, vibrating hand. It was all very pleasant until he JAMMED HIS FINGER INTO MY EAR! Yes...that's right...he apparently thought I might enjoy feeling his fingernail rattle against me ear canal and ear drum at several hundred oscillations per minute. My ear ached for several days, so I really don't recommend that technique.
On an only vaguely related subject, India recently received its own "remake" of the film Memento--titled Ghajini. I watched a friend's DVD copy of very dubious origins, and I can say that the film is absolutely nothing like the original. If I were forced to reduce this...experience into mere words, I would say that the film gives Charlie Kaufman a serious run for his money in the weird movie department. Ghajini is a musical, a revenge action movie, and a love story all rolled discordantly into one. You may ask, how could anyone possibly make that work?? Well, I've learned that the key to making a "romantic action thriller" is to open on an improbable love story starring Bollywood hottie Aamir Khan as a vigilante amnesiac whose entire history (and love story) is being recounted by nosy supporting players thanks to his detailed journals. This is still very weird--after all, you know almost from the very beginning that the female lead is going to get bludgeoned to death. I can't even describe the musical numbers--you just have to see this one for yourself. Apparently Ghajini will be airing in 22 countries with English subtitles. I strongly suggest that you find a time that you will not be taking any decongestants, antihistamines, or prescription painkillers, and sit down with this bizarre film. I can't promise that you'll be glad you watched it, but you'll definitely be entertained!

For folks in the Seattle area, this is apparently showing at Totem Lake Cinemas. Don't miss your chance! Folks in DC will just have to flood their local theaters with petitions, I guess....
What is the vague relationship between Ghajini and my barbershop? Ahmir Khan had a really crappy haircut in Ghajini, and film promoters had clippers outside theaters on opening weekend, offering teenagers the chance to receive a similarly terrible haircut. In his defense, he was supposed to have an enormous scar from being whacked in the head with an iron pipe...
Wow, it's too bad I won't be in the Seattle area to see that!
Also, that totally puts Mom's hand massage story to shame...
I really liked "Momento", but I'm not sure I'll rush out to see this one.
I recall seeing on TV once a show about how people in China pay to have their ear cannal scratched with a wire brush thing. I think I'll also pass on that.
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